Hi there! As I continue to create, I built this space to become a platform for my content. There’s a lot of cool projects in the works that I’m ecstatic to bring here! You can listen to the current short story series for free below or read/listen to any of the previous series on the “Free to Listen” tab in the upper right. Enjoy!

Free to Listen and Download:

The Painter’s Wife

On one dismal Spring day out on his hunt, a young man narrowly escapes a wild grizzly bear. As he runs, he finds shelter inside a stone mansion hidden in the woods, only to find a woman creeping the halls with a knife and a portrait of her equally as unhinging. Narrated by Tom Fairfoot in a four-part series.

Part I

Part II

Part III

Part IV

Youtube Channel

Videos on the go! Through Rainwater Publishing, free short stories available to read and listen on this website are now produced with scenic background footage and closed captions. Visit the Rainwater Publishing youtube channel for more content at: